Spring & Fall Cleanup Services

Spring Cleanup

Luke’s Lawn Service offers Spring and Fall Clean-up to our local customers. This service includes: lawn mowing, Leaf removal, blowing out landscape, etc. Spring clean ups are offered usually middle of April, or when the lawn is firm enough to rake. Spring clean up includes the following:

Fall Cleanup

Fall clean ups and leaf removal are offered starting around October or when the leaves are falling, and finish falling, or when ever you call to have them removed from your property! Fall Clean up and leaf removal includes the following:
Price for Fall cleanup is based on some factors such as the size of your property, amount of leaves left in the yard, wet leaves vs. dry veas, and terrain. Like Spring Clean Up, you can also incorporate your fall fertilizing and/or mowing. The nice thing about adding the mowing is you have a nice clean cut lawn when finished. If this is something you would like, contact us and we’ll take care of it for you.

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